International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

литературная критика

Юбилейная статья в литературно-критической практике А. А. Измайлова

На широком источниковедческом материале в литературно-критическом и историко-литературном ключе исследована природа юбилейной статьи, особого жанра массовой периодической печати и газетно-журнальной литературной критики конца XIX ‒ начала XX века. Во введении рассмотрены теоретические работы, посвященные разным аспектам названного жанра, сформулирована задача исследования ‒ выявить дополнительные характеристики и особенности публикаций этого типа.

Literary forecast genre in modern criticism

The article deals with the problem of the genre, which is studied in the theoretical-critical and historicalliterary aspects. The results of the comparative typological analysis of texts containing judgments about the future of literature give ground to talk about the literary forecast as an independent genre and thus update the existing classifications. The genre carriers are the topic, problems, tasks of the critic, as well as the structure of the text, the image of the literature.


The measures of professionalism of a critic is determined by the ability to assess the object of his observation, based on its internal properties and the vital demands of society. In particular, media criticism is an biased interpretation of the concrete results of the work of the mass media in terms of emerging ideas about the proper quality of journalistic work. According to the rules of the genre, a dramatic script is laid down in a media-critical utterance.