International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Genre PRology and convergence of genres of PR text

In the basis of a special area of genre PRology as a branch of the science of public relations the authors put the criterion of the diversity of PR-information in multi-channel public communication via new media. As a subject of genre PRology, the authors consider convergence of information formats of a PR text in a multi-channel PR. In the genre revision of PR communication in social media, the genre transformations of PR texts are influenced by the following factors: 1) technological, 2) intentional, 3) structural.

Жанровая пиарология и конвергенции жанров PR-текста

В основе особого направления пиарологии как науки о связях с общественностью – жанровой пиарологии – лежит критерий многообразия форматов PR-информации в условиях мультиканальной публичной коммуникации. В качестве предмета жанровой пиарологии рассматривается конвергенция информационных форматов PR-текста в условиях мультиканального PR-дискурса. В жанровой ревизии PR-коммуникации в социальных сетях на жанровые трансформации PR-текстов влияют следующие факторы: 1) технологический, 2) интенциональный, 3) структурный.

Dialogization of discourse and genre in media

The article studies dialogization of media monologue messages aimed at intensifying the interiorization of new information into the addressee’s picture of the world by stimulating a dialogue with the audience. There have been singled out two levels of dialogization–discourse and genre.

Trends of Changes in the Stilistic Identity of Traditional Journalistic Genres in the Present Press

Interconnection, interpenetration, or convergence of journalistic genres, is the main process typical of traditional journalistic genres, which is altering their stylistic image. Journalists seek to provide a multifaceted view of complicated modern life, which makes media landscape particularly dense and heterogeneous. The article describes several tendencies which have changed the stylistic image of traditional newspaper genres – tendency towards interactivity, creolized structure, visual representation of information.