International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

институциональный дискурс

Unrestricted remark as a genre of parliamentary speech (based on Russian parliamentary discourse of the early XX century)

The article deals with the remark as a special genre of Russian parliamentary speech. The author analyses various approaches to parliamentary genres. Parliamentary discourse is viewed as institutional, having a dynamic genre structure. The research studies the institutional restrictions imposed on statements in the form of a remark. There is a conclusion about the role of procedural regulation in the formation of a system of discourse genres and the possibility to distinguish unregulated and regulated remarks.

Нерегламентированная реплика как жанр парламентской речи (на материале русского парламентского дискурса начала ХХ века)

Статья посвящена реплике как особому жанру русской парламентской речи. Анализируются различные подходы к парламентским жанрам. Парламентский дискурс рассматривается как институциональный, имеющий динамичную жанровую структуру. Устанавливаются институциональные ограничения, накладываемые на высказывания в форме реплики, делается вывод о роли регламента в формировании системы жанров дискурса, разграничиваются нерегламентированная и регламентированная реплики.

The classification of speech genres used in the sphere of institutional (medical) discourse (on the based of works by Russian writers – doctors)

In the article the typological classification of speech genres used in the sphere of institutional (medical) discourse is first presented. In the article the applicability of concept “paradigms” in the medical discourse is substantiated. It is marked that paradigmal units stipulating paradigmatics of medical discourse can be subdivided into two types: 1) basic paradigms functioning in the common model of anamnesis, and 2) highly specialized patterns related to certain aspects of common paradigms.

The Classification of Speech Genres of Institutional Discourse

The article is devoted to classification problem of speech genres. The research urgency is caused by the lack of a common typology of speech genres. It is noted that the classification of speech genres, the basis for which was the concept of institutionality, includes four groups namely: authentic, complementary, peripheral and external. In the proportional ratio range of authentic genres does not exceed variety of complementary and peripheral genres.