International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Новый взгляд на коммуникацию в контексте письменного речевого взаимодействия с автоматизированными системами

Исследование строится вокруг определения основных черт письменного вербального взаимодействия человека с автоматизированными системами в рамках понятий «коммуникация» и «диалог». Осуществляется оценка обоснованности применения термина «коммуникация» в контексте взаимодействия с чат-ботами, в ходе которой выделяются характерные черты данной формы коммуникации, такие как квазисинхронность, непосредственность, ориентация на интерактивность, отсутствие социальных взаимоотношений между собеседниками и жесткая формальная структура.

Religious and philosophical dialogues in Dostoevsky’s novel Demons

Philosophical dialogue as a genre generated by ancient culture has become an integral part of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novels. There it acquired a distinctly religious character. In this sense, the theory of M. M. Bakhtin about polyphonic dialogue in Dostoevsky’s novels does not allow to fully explain its (dialogue’s) mystical-religious content, and even more so the hidden author’s modality – Christian assessment (“pointing finger, passionately raised”). Moreover, the question of faith in the polyphonic dialogue is not raised at all.

Религиозно-философские диалоги в романе Достоевского "Бесы"

Как таковой философский диалог – жанр, порожденный античной культу-рой, стал неотъемлемой частью романов Ф.М. Достоевского. И в них он обрел отчетливо религиозный характер. В этом смысле теория М.М. Бах-тина о полифоническом диалоге в романах писателя не позволяет до конца объяснить его (диалога) мистико-религиозное содержание и тем более скрытую авторскую позицию в нём – христианскую оценку («указующий перст, страстно поднятый»). А вопрос о вере в полифоническом диалоге вообще не поставлен.

Agreement/Disagreement in Belarusian: Review of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of аgreement and disagreement” (Minsk, BSU. 2020. 135 p.)

The review is a response to the publication of the teaching aid by A. P. Latushko “Belarusian phrases of Agreement and Disagreement”. The author presents inseparable phrases of agreement and disagreement as elements of the composition of a communicative act in the form of a dictionary with a theoretical preface. The relevance of this teaching aid is seen in the systematization of speech manifestations of one of the communicative categories based on Belarusian fiction. Using the method of continuous sampling, A. P.

Article Dialogue basis of Leo Tolstoy’s diary

The article verifies the hypothesis that Leo Tolstoy’s diary has the form of a hidden dialogue of the writer with various subjects: with himself, with third parties, with God. Dialogue is understood as a form of individual development. The article determines that Leo Tolstoy’s diary represents a program of self-improvement, which is achieved through goal-setting and self-assessment. In the traditional perception of the diary genre, entries are interpreted as a form of autocommunication, carried out for the purpose of self-identification of the individual.

Network communication and its genres as objects of artistic representation (based on Russian literature)

The article analyses a new compositional peculiarity of modern fiction – the introduction of a text fragment related by its lexical and graphic features to one of the genres of network communication (chat, blog, electronic mail, etc.) into the structure of the literary works.

Speech genre “reminder” in contemporary mass literature

This article is devoted to the secondary speech genre “reminder”, which is widely used in contemporary mass literature. This genre reflects the author’s orientation on the limited store of knowledge of a potential reader. In a dialogue with the reader, the authors of mass literature try to create a feeling of intellectual comfort. The status of a cultured person is correlated with the ability, at least superficially, to navigate the world of classic literature.

Is irony a speech genre? (once again, about some features of irony)

In the article the author examines the different points of view on a popular question of current theory of speech genres: whether irony is a speech genre.

Abduction and identity in family interaction: ventriloquizing as indirectness

With a view toward developing a more inclusive understanding of indirectness in interaction, author returns to Bateson's notion of abduction (a mental process by which meaning is created by analogy) and three related theoretical frameworks: Friedrich's polytropy, Becker's prior text, and Bakhtin's dialogicality – all theories of intertextuality.

Hospital discourse: narratives, remarks, dialogs

The research is based on personal observations made while staying in municipal hospital and notes taken at the surgery of the mentioned hospital from November, 21 till December, 4 of 2015. The focus is on the following pairs of communicators: the doctor – the patient, the nurse - the patient, the nurse – the nurse, the patient – the family member, the patient – the patient. The article deals with a problem of interception, following A.V. Nagornaya, who based her research on English literary texts.
