International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

communicative event

On universal anthropological characteristics of speech genre communication

The article continues the research published in “Speech Genres”, 2020, no. 3. The reliability and consistency of communication in a wide range of speech genres differ in terms of basic quality characteristics of the communication process itself and its final outcome. The main objective of the article is to specify and to reinforce the evidence base of our assumptions connected with the typical structural aspects of different speech genre formations in view of their reliability and consistency.

Contact excursion: Speech genre vs communicative event

The article deals with the problem of the relationship between two linguistic theories: a speech genre theory and a speech act theory. The research is based on the genre of a contact excursion. From the point of view of genre studies a contact excursion is a speech genre and it can be described using the “speech genre questionnaire” proposed by T. V.