For citation:
Tarasova I. A. The genre of fragment in the poetry of the Paris note. Speech Genres, 2015, no. 1(11), pp. 111-116. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2015-1-11-111-116
The genre of fragment in the poetry of the Paris note
The fragment is the main genre of contemporary poetry. The article focuses on the functioning of the genre in the poetry of the Paris Note. The author suggests to distinguish between the four types of fragments, according to the context of interpretation: biblical, historical, literary and autobiographical. The characteristic features of these types are highlighted here, including basic mechanisms for interpreting. The connection between the poetics of the fragment with the stylistic principles of the Paris notes is shown in the article. The research is based on the poetry of G.Adamovich and G. Ivanov.
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