International journal

Speech Genres

ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

For citation:

Karasik V. I. Subject plot symbolism in allegories (on the material of mediaeval Armenian fables) . Speech Genres, 2023, vol. 18, iss. 4 (40), pp. 365-374. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2023-18-4-40-365-374, EDN: BUXXJG

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Subject plot symbolism in allegories (on the material of mediaeval Armenian fables)

Karasik Vladimir Ilyich, Pushkin State Russian language Institute

The paper deals with edifications expressed in Armenian fables of the XII–XIII centuries. These narratives describe common situations of overcoming serious difficulties, interrelations between authorities and people, and paradoxical unpredictability of existence. Three main topics presented in the narratives have been analyzed – the attitudes to the world, to authorities and to human character. The general principles of the world-view comprise loyalty to one’s own people, understanding the connection of cause and consequence, and emphasizing responsibility of one’s actions. The attitude to authorities is mainly critical. The fables show that power makes people cruel, but sober-minded shrewd people may win or at least remain alive. In times of war people should put aside their criticism and defend their country. The narratives about human nature describe envy and stupidity, and victims of fraud are not given sympathy to. The main inferences of the mediaeval Armenian fables may be summarized as fundamental ethical and utilitarian prescriptions of behavior – a realistic evaluation of complicated situations, impermissibility of credulousness, rejection of futile attempts to change the world, and loyalty to the principles of estimable life. The content of the fables reflects universal observations as expressed in similar narratives of other cultures, but has a vivid originality which manifests itself in the appeal to survive in almost unbearable circumstances.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-18-00339 entitled “Electronic resource “Armenian text of Russian poetry” representation of local text in Russian literature”).
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