For citation:
Alpatov V. M. On two “children's diseases” of modern linguistics (language, ideology, speech genres). Speech Genres, 2014, no. 1(9), pp. 9-15. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2014-1-2-9-10-9-15
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On two “children's diseases” of modern linguistics (language, ideology, speech genres)
Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Modern linguistics is characterized by transfer of attention from the study of linguistic structure to the investigation of its functioning. Substitution of the unnecessary formalization by the advancement of theses that can’t be specified and proved is typical. Many modern functional studies try to achieve the solution of all the problems without passing the necessary intermediate stages. These studies do not differentiate the fundamental notions. The problems of the elaboration of the methods of investigation remain actual.
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