International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

non-literary options

Notes about the choice of options in the modern newspaper genre from possible in the Russian language

 In the “Notes” the author cites the choice of options of a number of Russian words from several issues of the newspaper «Moskovsky Komsomolets» for the summer of 2023: rather frequent usages of dostatochno (≈‘enough’), ochen’ (≈‘very’), dovol’no (≈‘quite’), skhozhest’ (≈‘similarity’), skhozhiy (≈‘similar’), rarer usages of krayne (≈‘extremely’), pokhozhiy (≈‘similar’), podobnyy (≈‘similar’), ochevidno (≈‘obviously’), initial and middle takzhe (≈‘as well’).