International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

encyclopedia of speech genres

Do genre studies need the concept of genre sphere?

The article discusses the legitimacy and appropriateness of using the concept of genre sphere in modern genre studies, by analogy with other “spheres” used in many modern humanities, for example, in conceptology. The author concludes that the genre sphere objectively exists, but the use of the genre sphere as a concept in genre studies also has objective pros and cons.

Genrogenic situations (on the example of boltovnya ‘≈chatter’)

The article deals with genrogenic situations (Gg S), i.e. situations marked by speech genres, indicative of the representation of a particular speech genre in a given national culture. The Gg S as a cognitive image corresponding to a speech genre in the human mind includes, on the one hand, a set of components of a communication situation, necessary and sufficient for the generation of this genre, and, on the other hand, the memory of the Gg S, real or reconstructed (by writers, psychologists), in which this genre was generated and developed.