International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Speech genre of wishes in youth Internet discourse: Innovations and linguistic creativity

This paper analyses the use of the wishing genre among Russian young people. One of the features of youth speech is a shift from stereotypes, searching for new creative ways of expressing various intentions, such as evaluation, compliment, congratulation and wishing. The purpose of the study is to analyze the texts of wishes from the point of manifesting the linguistic creativity of the addressers; to identify the means and ways of destroying stereotypes.

Intertextual aspect of speech genres

This article discusses intertextuality, a critical but still an under-researched aspect of speech genres (SG). We focus on the intertextual content of Michael Bakhtin’s concept of the SG which he viewed as the «word of the other». The concept of a secondary genre (in terms of the diachronic nature of the SG) is shown as essential and several classifications of secondary SGs based on intertextuality are proposed.