International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

корпусная лингвистика

Когнитивно-лингвосинергетические особенности новостного жанра медиадискурса (на материале газеты «Аргументы и факты» 1985-1987 гг. и 2015-2017 гг.)

Данная статья посвящена описанию и обсуждению когнитивных и лингвосинергетических особенностей новостного жанра медиадискурса, который определяет во многом российское языковое сознание. Объектом исследования послужили новостные медиатексты еженедельника “Аргументы и факты” за два временных промежутка. 1 период представлен медиатекстами 1985-1987 гг. и 2 период – медиатекстами 2015-2017 гг. Материал исследования был отобран автором методом систематической выборки. Единицей анализа являются частотные лексемы текстовых корпусов новостного жанра за 2 изучаемых периода.

Corpus genristics: a problem of key phrases

The article discusses the theoretical and practical problems related to the study of speech genres on the basis of the material of databases, and generally using the methods of corpus linguistics. In the foreground there is the problem of “key phrases”, or text markers of speech genres, which can be searched in the case. According to the authors, the key phrase of speech genre is its essential characteristic, which is present in speech genre competence of a native speaker and should be included in the relevant speech genre description as an additional parameter.


The article deals with the use of metaphors in the context of speech genres of emotional impact on the addressee. The theoretical substantiation of these genres with the description of their features and means of realizing the speaker’s intent are presented, taking into account whether the desired emotional impact is positive or negative.

Web Pages, Text Types, and Linguistic Features: Some Issues

  From a textual point of view, the web is a huge reservoir of documents. On the web virtually everything can be seen as a ‘document’ or better a ‘web page’. The sheer amount of texts available is just overwhelming. Furthermore, the web is mainly wild and uncontrolled. This becomes clear if we compare a ‘tamed’ resource of the paper world, like the British National Library, and the ‘untamed’ English Web. In: this empirical study, I investigated text typologies in a random sample of raw web pages, and not in a corpus of pre-selected and pre-processed documents.