International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

rhetorical technique

Genre-forming signs of self-presentation (based on the material of students’ self-presentation)

The article is devoted to a relatively new genre of speech – self-presentation. The research is based on self-presentations of non-philological students of the geographical, sociological, biological faculties, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky and philologists studying at the Institute of Philology and Journalism.

Self-presentation of non-philological students: Speech genre and linguistic aspects

The analysis of the speech genre of self-presentation is performed within the anthropocentric approach to the language and speech. The study focuses on the self-presentation of non-philological students. The research is based on the comparative analysis of the papers of first year students and graduate students of the faculties of geography and of computer science and information technology, as well as of the Institute of physical education and sports of Saratov National Research State University.