International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Метафора как концептуальное основание жанра травелога (на материале путевых заметок Н.И. Греча)

Актуальность исследования жанра травелога связана с его растущей популярностью в современном обществе, постоянно увеличивающимся количеством публикаций в данном жанре. Основы жанра в русской литературе были заложены писателями XIX века, в связи с чем представляется интересным анализ произведения известного писателя, филолога, переводчика и путешественника Н.И. Греча – травелога «Парижские письма с заметками о Дании, Германии, Голландии и Бельгии», опубликованного в 1847 году.

The interaction of the categories of expressiveness and evaluativity in personal genres of the US media discourse

The aim of the given research is to elucidate the correlation between lexical stylistic (expressive) devices and their contextual evaluative meanings in the genres of blog and column of the US media space. The categories of expressiveness and evaluativity are the most essential for adequate understanding and interpretation of modern media in the context of technological convergence, information exchange speed increase, tangible transformation of genre systems, and increased subjectivity.

“” vs. “Wikipedia” = “informally” vs. “formally”?

In the article two fundamentally different varieties of well-known in the modern Russian-language Internet genre of anonymous collective encyclopedia – Russian Wikipedia and – have been discussed. Originally created as a carnival, a postmodern parody of Wikipedia, develops some new traits, such as judgmental subjectivity, arising from the desire of authors to demonstrate not only their creativity, but also sincerity, courage and freedom. But the main feature of, according to the author, appears to be informality.