International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

научный стиль

О возможности красноречия в жанрах научной прозы

Статья посвящена дискуссионной теме определения возможностей использования экспрессивных языковых средств в научной прозе. Переход от классической к постнеклассической науке сопровождался существенными изменениями в стилистике научной прозы.

Encyclopedic article: Three discourses of one genre

The genre of Russian-language encyclopedia articles is analyzed in terms of the impact of socio-cultural context and the stylistic system of the language. We compare the three most significant publications in the chronological range from the end of the XIX century to the present. We discuss the circumstances that contributed to the transformation of the purely scientific genre to the scientific reference work.


In 1961 K. I. Chukovskiy wrote that the principal danger for Russian was “Bureaucratese”(канцелярит). It is the penetration of words, phrases, syntactic constructions typical of the style of the official relations in other styles (style of everyday life, academic style, belles lettres style). Such point of view is widely spread in Russia. It is connected with a very negative attitude to the official style in general, it is considered to be the language of bureaucratism, clich?s, indifference to people.