International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

научная статья

Genre of a scientific article on the Internet: Structural and semiotic transformation

The article discusses changes in scientific communication that are related to its transfer to a digital environment. The authors aim to reveal structural and semiotic transformations that the genre of scientific article undergoes in the context of transition from paper to a digital format. To this end, the characteristics of the genre in its traditional printed format are compared to the characteristics of scientific articles as they are presented in the electronic versions of journals.

“It is evident that …”: Boosting as a strategy employed to express author’s commitment to the truth of a proposition (a corpus-based analysis of research article abstracts)

The article analyzes linguistic means used for boosting which is considered a crucial metadiscourse strategy regularly employed in the genre of research article abstracts. The study aims at identifying the types of booster and the frequency of occurrence of boosting markers in Russian-language research article abstracts in the field of soft and hard sciences. The study makes an attempt to reveal differences in the use of these metadiscourse patterns and suggest reasons for the uneven distribution of boosters in the two corpora.

О возможности красноречия в жанрах научной прозы

Статья посвящена дискуссионной теме определения возможностей использования экспрессивных языковых средств в научной прозе. Переход от классической к постнеклассической науке сопровождался существенными изменениями в стилистике научной прозы.

«Очевидно, что …»: бустинг как стратегия экспликации уверенности автора в достоверности пропозиции (корпусный анализ жанра «аннотация к научной статье»)

В статье рассматриваются языковые средства реализации бустинга как важной метадискурсивной стратегии, регулярно используемой авторами аннотаций к научным статьям. Целью исследования является выявление маркеров бустинга и частоты их использования в аннотациях к русскоязычным статьям, опубликованным в ведущих российских журналах по социальным и естественным наукам. Делается попытка выявить различия в использовании данных метадискурсивных паттернов и определить их причины.

Academic article: Trends in model changes

The article aims to determine the changes in the model of the speech genre of the Russian academic article in the field of humanities over the past 120 years. Methodologically, the analysis is focused mainly on identifying cognitive (logical-structural), pragmalinguistic (identifying the leading speech strategies) and forma (the form, article sections, text volume) characteristics of articles.

Scientific result in research paper in linguistics

The article deals with a research paper in humanities and its text constitutive model. The research paper is presumed to be a source of information transfer, information mining and extraction. The linguo-epistemic approach offered is of relevance for expert’s assessment of scientific quality in addition to bibliometric indicators. The complex structure of scientific text reflects the interrelation between epistemic “old” and “new” knowledge.


The article presents one of the scientific text meaning components – the beginning, or introduction, which introduces the text content comprehension. groups of introductions differentiated on basis of scientific and cognitive author’s attitude are described. quantitative comparison of introductions from observed groups, taken from the articles that are published in the selected works of famous scientists R. Jakobson, L. V. Scherba, B. A. Larin and in the collection of articles of 2011 and 2016, is presented.