International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

medical discourse

Speech genre of consumer reviews and its transformation in the digital age (based on reviews of doctors)

We analyze the influence of new technologies of communicative interaction on the transformation of the speech genre of consumer reviews on the Internet. The research is based on reviews of doctors and medical services taken from the websites of specialized online publications and forums. The author compares modern Internet-reviews of the consumer with the genre-prototype – reviews in the Book of Complaints and Suggestions.

From medical dialogue to existential conflict: The dynamics of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov “Enemies”

The article presents the analysis of the chains of speech genres in A. P. Chekhov’s short story “Enemies”. It is argued that the speech genres which formalize the social relationships of the main characters of the story lead to an understanding of the concept of the work, as well as reveal the essence of the title of the story. It is noted that the verbal interaction of the main characters of the narrative is a system of interconnected speech genres.

Symptom and/or complaint: semiotic aspect

This article considers the explication of the notions «complaint speech genre» and «symptom» in medical discourse. Communicative system of medical discourse is defined as a combined-type system due to the interaction of nozological and clinical paradigms. In the aspect of a semiotic approach a symptom is treated as a sign means that shows characteristics of three major types of a sign in their relative hierarchy.