International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Genre modification strategy (based on the example of Andrey Nemzer’s public speeches and reviews)

The article presents the analysis of popular science lectures by literary critic Andrey Nemzer. The research is based on the radio series “Russian Prose of the Third Millennium”, in which Nemzer gave lectures on remarkable prose writers of the 1990s: N. Gorlanova, M. Vishnevetskaya, A. Slapovsky and A. Dmitriev. The author of the article compares Andrey Nemzer’s public speeches with thematically similar reviews published in “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, “Segodnya” and “Vremya MN”.

The genre features of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs

The article justifies that A. I. Solzhenitsyn expands the potential of the memoir genre by synthesizing techniques of different genres and creating new ways of displaying History. The growing interest in the memoirs of the 20th century, in particular in Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs, in recent decades makes the research topical. Solzhenitsyn considers the truth of history as a priority, and the completeness of the material and polyphony of its presentation as necessary requirements. The research aims at presenting the originality of Solzhenitsyn’s memoirs.

“Genre”: A nomadic concept or an aesthetic universal?

The article raises the problem of the metadisciplinary interpretation of the term “genre”, which can be equally well defined as a nomadic concept or as an artistic universal. The author focuses on the question of the configuration of features defining the concept of genre in philology, art history, and musicology.