International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

interpenetration of genres

Trends of Changes in the Stilistic Identity of Traditional Journalistic Genres in the Present Press

Interconnection, interpenetration, or convergence of journalistic genres, is the main process typical of traditional journalistic genres, which is altering their stylistic image. Journalists seek to provide a multifaceted view of complicated modern life, which makes media landscape particularly dense and heterogeneous. The article describes several tendencies which have changed the stylistic image of traditional newspaper genres – tendency towards interactivity, creolized structure, visual representation of information.

Comparative Analysis of Newspaper and TV Essays

This article presents a study of the most difficult in its characteristics and properties genre of journalism – an essay. The nature of the essay is determined by the fact that it functions both in journalism and in fiction. The paper aims at the research of the differences between newspaper and television Russian essays, and the analysis of the artistic and journalistic aspects of the reviewed essays.