International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Play characteristics in the genre structure of girl’s diary

The relevance of the research is determined by its inclusion into the theory of natural written speech, namely, into the study of genre organization of this type of writing and speech activity. The genre of a girl’s diary, considered as a written implementation of a phatic playful behavior, is described from the point of a dominant determinant approach. In the aspect of external determination, the genre playful intent is researched through its social environment analysis.

In the margins of the speech genres typology: A crossword puzzle

A popular socio-cultural phenomenon, the crossword puzzle, is considered a peculiar aspect of uncodified (folk) linguistics, a spontaneous, not conditioned by an institutional intention, practice of reflecting people on the language in the referent-instrumental field of everyday consciousness. The main objective of the publication is to show that the discursive format of the crossword puzzle actualizes fundamental knowledge, concepts and categories from the thematic area of the word linguistics (lexicology).