International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


On the starting conditions of meaning making in written speech genres

The article deals with the initial stage of the meaning making process which occurs when a certain request of the reader comes into contact with the inner targeted orientation of the given written saying. The starting conditions of meaning making in written speech genres remind of the effect produced by the meeting of two communicating subjects, with one of them patiently expecting the coming interaction and the other striving to start the immediate interaction to the best of the situationally determined interest of the addressee.

Speech genre “reminder” in contemporary mass literature

This article is devoted to the secondary speech genre “reminder”, which is widely used in contemporary mass literature. This genre reflects the author’s orientation on the limited store of knowledge of a potential reader. In a dialogue with the reader, the authors of mass literature try to create a feeling of intellectual comfort. The status of a cultured person is correlated with the ability, at least superficially, to navigate the world of classic literature.