For citation:
Lassan E. RAP BATTLES AS A SPECIFIC GENRE OF CONTEMPORARY CULTURE. Speech Genres, 2018, no. 4(20), pp. 313-320. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2018-4-20-313-320
The article focuses on the specific features of a rap-battle – the genre which has gained a wide popularity nowadays. The author assumes that this genre combines both the features of the written and oral communication as well as controverts those who consider rapbattles something similar to or part of the art of the poetic duels and thus insists that this genre is the legitimization of the speech violence in the society of total violence. Nevertheless the aspect mentioned above is not the only typical feature of the latter –taking other ones into account it becomes possible to refer the genre of rapbattles to the new epoch of the culture – metamodernism.
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