For citation:
Degaltseva A. V., Sirotinina O. B. Changes in informative and analytical genres of modern media. Speech Genres, 2023, vol. 18, iss. 2 (38), pp. 155-165. DOI: 10.18500/2311-0740-2023-18-2-38-155-165, EDN: QQHUDC
Changes in informative and analytical genres of modern media
The article discusses the main trends of changes in mass media communication based on informative and analytical genres of the modern press and electronic media. The research is performed within interpretative discourse analysis and is based on quantitative analysis of the data. The authors of the article claim that in the modern information age, traditional media are no longer the most influential sphere of communication. The media are forced to give way to social networks that are far from complying with the norms of the Russian language. In conditions of such fierce competition, traditional mass media have to adapt to the modern reader in order to meet their needs and expectations. This leads to the fact that their genre and stylistic appearance is gradually changing. The most important changes taking place in modern media are the convergence of genres, visualization of information, interactivity, democratization (which is expressed not only at the linguistic, but also at the extralinguistic level: in changing the nature of the information conveyed in the media and cooperation with non-professionals when creating mass media product) and the intellectualization of language.
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