International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


The category of dialogicality as realization of novel genre potential

The category of discursive dialogicality is considered, represented in a literary text that exists on the border of two social discourses – literature and law. The semantic domain of the interdiscourse, as a heterogeneous linguosociocultural space in which two different discourses interact, is open, mobile and dialogically conditioned. The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the cooperative model of dialogical interaction of the stated discourses, i.e.

Категория дискурсивной диалогичности как реализация жанрового потенциала романа

В статье рассматривается категория дискурсивной диалогичности, отображенной в художественном тексте, который функционирует на стыке двух социальных дискурсов – литературы и права. Смысловая область интердискурса, как гетерогенного лингвосоциокультурного пространства, открыта, подвижна, диалогически обусловлена. Цель работы заключается в реконструкции кооперативной модели диалогического взаимодействия заявленных дискурсов, т. е. модели, позволяющей максимально сблизить в сознании реципиента две концептуальные области: правовую и художественную.

Abduction and identity in family interaction: ventriloquizing as indirectness

With a view toward developing a more inclusive understanding of indirectness in interaction, author returns to Bateson's notion of abduction (a mental process by which meaning is created by analogy) and three related theoretical frameworks: Friedrich's polytropy, Becker's prior text, and Bakhtin's dialogicality – all theories of intertextuality.

About genre text categories

The article proves the introduction of genre category concept into the speech genres analysis which helps to describe the linguistic definiteness of the genres. Genre categories are distinguished not on grammatical, but on an extralinguistic, intentional basis. Three types of categories – dialogism, illocution, and referentiality are offered for description of speech genres. Each category has its field the of different language units, composition methods, and nonverbal means.

Dialogism in the genres of internet communication (chat, forum, blog)

The article deals with the timely problems of modern communicative linguistics and virtual genristics. In the article, the essence of the dialogism category is defined in relation to both traditional communication (not technically mediated and non related with electronic media environment), and in relation to Internet communication, where the studied category has its own characteristics. With the base on the lexicographical sources, the differences in the conceptual content and the use of the terms «dialogism» and «interactivity» are established.

Mediafact as a Genre Entity

The study deals with the media fact as an entity of media speech and media genres, in particular. The purpose of this article is to show how media facts form genres. The author adopts a broad interpretation of the concept of ”media fact,” the main characteristic of which is the focus on the presentation of events in their relevance. A media fact is any information in the media that the recipient considers to be a fact and takes into account, building his attitude to the world around him.