International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

косвенные ответы

Indirect responses in natural conversation

By indirect answers we mean answers to general questions which do not correspond to “yes” and “no”, and answers to special questions which do not literally correlate with the question words who, what, where, etc. The article examines the types of indirect responses in different structural and semantic types of dialogue. The article analyzes the features of indirect answers determined by the predictive relationship of concepts: place-goal, place-time, etc.

Is irony a speech genre? (once again, about some features of irony)

In the article the author examines the different points of view on a popular question of current theory of speech genres: whether irony is a speech genre.

Functions of Consent and Disagreement in Friendly Chat (Psikhologo-Linguistic Notes)

In article functions of consent and disagreement in natural easy communication are considered. In the center of attention of the author question: whether always the consent of the interlocutor with speaking is expected whether always it contains positive effect, and disagreement – negative? Material which is given by the author of article mainly within a consolation genre, shows that quite often consent has a minus sign, and disagreement – plus. Also some general features of consent and disagreement and also silence role in their expression are considered.