International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)

Исследования отдельных жанров

Anathema: Transformation of the genre in the secular and postsecular eras

The purpose of the article is to give an outline of those multilateral changes which the speech genre of anathema has undergone in Russian culture of the XIX–XXI centuries, and to shed light on the causes of these changes. Since anathema belongs to sacred performatives, whose pragmatic success directly depends on a set of metaphysical views peculiar to the Middle Ages, the fate of their entire subsystem in the conditions of global spiritual shifts of Modern and Postmodern eras is traced by means of an example of that genre.

Multimodal аnalysis in genre studies: Semiotics of the tourist booklet

The paper discusses the complex genre of tourist booklet as a fixed type of multimodal text that serves in a communicative situation of promoting a tourist product. This genre is a semiotically complex phenomenon, which conveys information through different semiotic systems. The methodological issues are posed as to a perspective model of genre analysis that would take into account the multimodal nature of genres. The author points to major hindrances that an analyst faces when doing multimodal analysis.

Жанровая обусловленность грамматического выражения текстового времени в региональных документах XVIII века

Работа находится в русле актуальных проблем документной лингвистики и теории речевых жанров. С применением жанрового подхода описаны грамматические средства выражения текстового времени в официальных документах XVIII в. из фонда Михайловского станичного атамана Государственного архива Волгоградской области.

Текст почётной грамоты как жанр письменной речи

В статье доказывается, что текст почётной грамоты представляет собой жанр письменной речи официально-делового стиля. Актуальность работы связана, с одной стороны, с длительностью существования и распространённостью данного жанра в системе письменной коммуникации, с другой – с отсутствием специальных работ, связанных с его изучением. Цель статьи – выявить и описать жанровые признаки и языковые особенности текстов почётных грамот. Методы: наблюдение, функциональный анализ языковых единиц, описание.

New forms of popularization of legal knowledge in popular legal discourse and its genres

The article studies the way transformed traditional forms of popularization of legal knowledge in Russia impact the popular legal discourse. The form of popularization is perceived by the author as a permanent communicative model used by popularizers to increase legal awareness of non-specialists. Traditional forms of science popularization are subject to modification due to the emergence of new channels and means of communication.

Variants of the warning speech genre and their modus indicators

In the article, the authors refer to the history of the study of preventive statements, where the semantics of the notice and warning are not distinguished. The genre approach allowed the authors to qualify the warning and the notice as a diffuse zone in the system of speech genres, and the warning is considered as a poly-intentional speech genre and it is proposed to distinguish between two variants of the genre based on the identification of the leading intention.

“Frank confession” in institutional and everyday communication: speech genre or speech action

The article views the specific communicative situation “frank confession” in institutional (legal) and personality-oriented (everyday) discourses. The author attempts to determine its genre affiliation in the discourses.

«Очевидно, что …»: бустинг как стратегия экспликации уверенности автора в достоверности пропозиции (корпусный анализ жанра «аннотация к научной статье»)

В статье рассматриваются языковые средства реализации бустинга как важной метадискурсивной стратегии, регулярно используемой авторами аннотаций к научным статьям. Целью исследования является выявление маркеров бустинга и частоты их использования в аннотациях к русскоязычным статьям, опубликованным в ведущих российских журналах по социальным и естественным наукам. Делается попытка выявить различия в использовании данных метадискурсивных паттернов и определить их причины.

Verbalizing the symbol: Blazoning in the national heraldry of the post-soviet republics

The article deals with the linguistic embodiment of national symbols. On the basis of lexicography, the author determines the semantic structure of the national idea and describes its implementation in the heraldic symbols of the countries of the former USSR. The semantics of the state contains the following semantic blocks: power, territory, population (people) and the country as a whole.

The genre of the Russian Federation’s President’s address to its citizens during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the mirror of a conceptual metaphor

The article deals with the linguistic and cognitive analysis of the most regular and conceptually significant metaphors used in the genre of the address of the President of Russia when characterizing the epidemiological and socio-economic situation in the country during the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.
