International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


About “genres of speech and language of speech” again: what has linguistics given to genre studies?

This is the second article in a cycle on the connection between genre studies and linguistics. The previous article discussed the question “What have genre studies given to linguistics?” This article focuses on linguistic methods used in speech genres theory: more traditional for linguistics, starting with the descriptive method and its later varieties – structural – and less traditional (component analysis, the method of immediate constituents, the generative method, the method of describing external and deep content structures, the method of semantic fields).

Discursive words as a means of organizing speech genres (on the example of lexeme true)

The article is devoted to the description of lexeme «truth» functioning features entering different speech genres. The word «truth» is referred to the group of discourse words providing speech coherence, reflecting the process of interaction between the speaker and listener, as well as conveying attitude of the speaker to what has been said. The study considers broad understanding of discourse words as structural components of the speech genre that realize illocutionary functions and are associated with speech steps of the speaker in the creation of genre.

What does “forward in the study of speech genres” mean? To the edition of a posthumous book of selected works by K. F. Sedov (1954–2011) «General and anthropocentric linguistics»

Review of the posthumous book of selected works by K. F. Sedov (1954–2011) «Obshchaya i antropotsentricheskaya lingvistika» [General and anthropocentric linguistics]. Much of the book of K. F. Sedov is devoted to speech genres: an overview of the theory of speech genres (sociopragmatic aspect) is provided, as well as materials for the encyclopedia of speech genres: «Talk», «Compliment», «Anecdote». The reviewer (both co-editor of the book of selected works of K. F. Sedov under discussion), who for many years studied the genres of speech with K. F.

Genres of Written Discourse of the Executive Branch

The article presents a description of the genre system of the executive written discourse. The paper considers viewpoints of specialists in genre studies on the criteria for classifying genres. It presents speech genres typologies on the inter- and extra-linguistic bases according to: communicative intention, type of activity, specificity of the audience, etc. Through the analyses of various conceptions, the author comes to the conclusion that a complete modeling of a genre system is possible only if a number of factors is considered.

What Have Genre Studies Given to Modern Linguistics?

The article summarizes the preliminary results of the interaction of genre studies and linguistics of the last three decades. The significance of genre studies for linguistics is determined by the fact that the speech genres themselves are of exceptional importance for the language – the object of linguistics: not equal to the language completely, speech genres are a phenomenon without which it is impossible to truly comprehend the structure, functioning, and history of the language.