International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Multimodal аnalysis in genre studies: Semiotics of the tourist booklet

The paper discusses the complex genre of tourist booklet as a fixed type of multimodal text that serves in a communicative situation of promoting a tourist product. This genre is a semiotically complex phenomenon, which conveys information through different semiotic systems. The methodological issues are posed as to a perspective model of genre analysis that would take into account the multimodal nature of genres. The author points to major hindrances that an analyst faces when doing multimodal analysis.

Communicative space of intercity traffic in a genre aspect

The article attempts to present communicative space of intercity traffic in the aspect of genre differentiation, focusing on a small written genre as a primitive text of road communication. This article covers a system of small written genres (advertisements, signboards, posters, signs), their specificity is conditioned by a number of extralinguistic factors. Attention is drawn to the regional marks of the studied texts.

Symptom and/or complaint: semiotic aspect

This article considers the explication of the notions «complaint speech genre» and «symptom» in medical discourse. Communicative system of medical discourse is defined as a combined-type system due to the interaction of nozological and clinical paradigms. In the aspect of a semiotic approach a symptom is treated as a sign means that shows characteristics of three major types of a sign in their relative hierarchy.