International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


The pragmalinguistic analysis of legislative genre (based on texts of german laws)

As a rule, legal genres are subdivided into three large thematic groups: “Legislation” (laws, regulations, instructions, acts, orders), “Case law” (judicial decisions, appeals, protocols, court orders and court inquiries), “Official documentation” (official correspondence, reports, contracts). This research focuses on the pragmalinguistic and linguo-stylistic analysis of German legislative texts. The authors describe the characteristics of legislative genres and single out their general and special language functions.

Insincere speech acts and insincere speech genres

This article is devoted to justification of insincere speech genres. Speech genre is understood to be a form of utterance through which a speech act is being realized.

Speech acts of aggressive character In the pedagogical discourse

The negative-evaluative speech acts of aggressive nature, operating in the Russian pedagogical discourse are studied in this paper. The Kazakhstan secondary schools teachers’ oral speeches in the lessons framework are chosen as the research material.