International journal
ISSN 2311-0759 (Online)
ISSN 2311-0740 (Print)


Implicit expression of political stance in political weblogs

The article analyses the ways of implicit expression of the political stance of bloggers. The relevance of the topic under study is determined by the increased influence of non-institutional means of communication on political processes. Blogs, social networks, and messengers have become an important tool of communication among members of civil society, as well as platforms for expressing citizens’ positions. The expression of a blogger’s political position does not always occur directly and explicitly.

The interaction of the categories of expressiveness and evaluativity in personal genres of the US media discourse

The aim of the given research is to elucidate the correlation between lexical stylistic (expressive) devices and their contextual evaluative meanings in the genres of blog and column of the US media space. The categories of expressiveness and evaluativity are the most essential for adequate understanding and interpretation of modern media in the context of technological convergence, information exchange speed increase, tangible transformation of genre systems, and increased subjectivity.

Speech genre “interpretation” in the era of the Russian church schism of the 17th century: Hermeneutic and linguo-personological aspects (based on the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities” by Avvakum)

The research presents the description of the speech genre “interpretation” on the basis of the understudied essay of Archpriest Avvakum “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”. The relevance of the topic is determined, firstly, by the small number of publications with the analysis of the source involved, and secondly, by polar and contradictory statements about the composition of the “Book of Interpretations and Moralities”.

The religious style as a system of genres (Review of the book: Itskovich T. V. A Genre System of the Religious Style [Text]: monograph / T. V. Itskovich. – Moscow, FLINTA, 2021. – 400 p.)

The review is a response to the publication of T. V. Itskovich’s monograph “Genre system of the religious style”. The author of the book presents an original view on the functional religious style as a system of genres and gives its multidimensional description. The relevance of the research is justified by the need for a comprehensive linguistic study of the religious style as part of the paradigm of functional varieties of the modern Russian literary language and the classification of genres of the religious style on a single basis.

Foreigners’ review of the Soviet film as a genre of Runet

Based on the material of Internet blogs, the article examines a genre that has become widespread and recognizable – a review of foreigners on Soviet films (FRF). The author shows the complex pragmatic (double authorship, contradictory intentional structure) and conceptual (cross-cultural communication, different value pictures of the world) nature of this genre. The content centers of the FRF genre – foreign authors, a Russian-speaking author, the film itself and the rating scales used by the authors – are considered as genre-forming.

Dialogization of discourse and genre in media

The article studies dialogization of media monologue messages aimed at intensifying the interiorization of new information into the addressee’s picture of the world by stimulating a dialogue with the audience. There have been singled out two levels of dialogization–discourse and genre.

Article Dialogue basis of Leo Tolstoy’s diary

The article verifies the hypothesis that Leo Tolstoy’s diary has the form of a hidden dialogue of the writer with various subjects: with himself, with third parties, with God. Dialogue is understood as a form of individual development. The article determines that Leo Tolstoy’s diary represents a program of self-improvement, which is achieved through goal-setting and self-assessment. In the traditional perception of the diary genre, entries are interpreted as a form of autocommunication, carried out for the purpose of self-identification of the individual.

Stylistic features and genre representations of religious vocabulary in contemporary Russian language

The article observes stylistic features and genre representations of religious vocabulary in contemporary Russian language. The study of the development of terminological systems in certain areas of knowledge and their role in the development of a language is one of the most important problems in modern linguistics. The solution to this problem is to study the great variety of sources of spiritual, academic, business, journalistic and other areas of human activity. Religious vocabulary is the richest layer of the Russian language.

Speech portrait of O. Mandelstam (On the methodology of philological evaluation of poetic idiolect)

The article develops an algorithm of philological evaluation of a poetic idiolect, determines the components of the language competence of its carrier; on this basis presents the speech portrait of O. Mandelstam in the context of modern Russian poetry.

“Genre”: A nomadic concept or an aesthetic universal?

The article raises the problem of the metadisciplinary interpretation of the term “genre”, which can be equally well defined as a nomadic concept or as an artistic universal. The author focuses on the question of the configuration of features defining the concept of genre in philology, art history, and musicology.
